Explore by Bike and Truck

Monticello South

Monticello, UT to Hiway 95 Topos

Monticello South

Roads/Topos from Monticello, UT to Hiway 95

These are the directions and topos for the backroads route from Monticello, UT. to Hiway 95, right before it crosses the Colorado River. The turnoff to the Maze District is only a mile or 2 down the road from here.

List of Topos used to get from Monticello, UT to Hiway 95

  1. Monticello South
  2. Abajo Peak
  3. Monticello Lake
  4. Mount Linnaeus
  5. Chippean Rocks
  6. Poison Canyon
  7. Kigalia Point
  8. Woodenshoe Buttes
  9. he Cheesebox
  10. Black Steer Canyon
  11. Indian Head Pass
  12. Copper Point
  13. Castle Peak
  14. Sewing Machine
  15. Hite North

Directions for each Topo

Start with the Monticello South topo, start in Monticello and head west out of town on CR 49 and exit the map at 92-93 on the west side of the map.

Continue with Abajo Peak topo, enter the map at 92-93 on the east side, continue for a short stretch and exit the map at 37-38 on the north side of the map.

Continue with Monticello Lake topo, enter the map, very briefly, at 37-38 on the south side and exit the map at 77 on the west side of the map.

Continue with Abajo Peak topo, and enter the map at 37 on the north side, continue down North Canyon and over North Creek Pass and exit the map at 37 on the south side of the map.

Continue with Mt. Linneaus topo, on and off along side the Abajo Paek topo. Enter the map at 88-90 on the east side, exit at 87-88 on the east side of the map.

Continue with Abajo Peak topo again and, enter the map at 87-88 on the west side and exit the map at 84-85 on the west side of the map.

Continue with Mt. Linneaus topo again and enter the map at 84-85 on the east side for a short loop back to Abajo Paek topo. Exit the map at 84-85 on the east side of the map.

Continue with Abajo Peak topo, enter the map at 84-85 on the west side for a short loop back to Mt. Linneaus topo and exit 83-84 on the west side of the map.

Continue with Mt. Linneaus topo, enter the map at 83-84 on the east side and curve around some ponds, stay left at the 'Y' and continue for a short distance untill you reach anothet 'Y'. Turn right at the 'Y' and continue north-west toward 'The Causeway'. Exit at 88-89 on the west side of the map.

Continue with Chippean Rocks topo, enter the map at 88-89 on the east side, head west past Chippean Rocks and exit at 89 on the west side of the map.

Continue with Poison Canyon topo, enter the map at 08-09 on the north side. Continue south through the 'Notch'. Continue south south-west along South Elk Ridge and take the right turn just past Little Notch. Turn right (west) at the 'Y' before your get to Bears Ears. Exit the map at 68-69 on the west side of the map.

Continue with Woodenshoe Butte topo, enter the map at 68-69 on the east side and comtinue past Peavine TH. Head towards The Toe on Woodenshoe Buttes. Continue along the east side of Woodenshoe Buttes and at the 4-way intersection south of The Heel, continue west and north past Pinon Point and exit the map at 77-78 on the west side.

Continue with The Cheesebox topo, enter the map, very briefly, at 77-78 on the west side and exit at 66-67 on the north side of the map.

Continue with Black Steer Canyon topo, enter the map at 66-67 on the south side, continue north along Upper Horse Flats and take the left at the 'Y' and the right at the next 'Y' towards Lower Horse Flats. Continue south and then west around Lost Canyon. Exit the map on the west side at 79-80.

Continue with Indian Head Pass topo, enter the map 79-80 on the east side and head north and west along Lost Canyon. Go around Squaw and Papose Rock and exit the map right at 87 on the west side.

Continue with Copper Point topo, enter the map at 87 on the east side, continue northwest and exit the map at 60-61 on the north side.

Continue with Sewing Machine topo, enter the map at 60-61, very briefly, and exit the map at 59-60.

Continue with Copper Point topo, enter the map at 59-60, very briefly, on the north side, and exit the map at 58-59 on the north side.

Continue with Sewing Machine topo, enter the map at 58-59 on the south side and merge with Hiway 95 at 57-58 on the south side of the map.

Continue with Hite North topo, enter the map at 94 on the east side and follow Hiway 95 across the Dirty Devil river until it runs off the map.